Sunday, December 5, 2010

Equality for men and women

I think the topic that was actually offered by Nastaran was doomed to causing a lot of heated arguments between men and women in the group.
For me personally it was interesting to find out that although all the men think that the way women are treated in Armenia is wrong, they still don't want to change it because "we live in that kind of society" - they said. It shows that we are overly dependent on the opinion of the society or it is just a very convenient excuse for men to continue treating women as a kind inferior to them.
Some men said that as women have washing machines and other appliances which save time, they have more time to think about their rights;  the Bible was also cited as a proof of God's will in men-women relationship.
The girls argued that men created all the mess because it is very handy for them to do what they want without taking the woman into account.
It would be quite interesting to hear some more arguments from both sides.


  1. Establishing the equal rights and equal opportunity in our country is one of our obligations which Armenia has been committed for taking part of European community.
    As we – Armenians dream to have democratic, rolling by law, freedom country we should not only write and read about that, but we should do it during our everyday work.
    It is funny when people said that men have stronger thinking of way than women. Men physically are stronger than women. Women are sturdier than men. The equal quantity from each sex in every sphere will be an ideal system, which will provide representation of all interests which has each sex.
    I dream to leave in real freedom Armenia, real democratic country ( not artificial ).

  2. I agree with everything that Voskehat says. In my opinion men created the stereotype of women that we have now because it is handy for them. They always want to make women believe that the latter are not capable of doing anything so that the men can rule the world. And now when women started demanding equal rights, men got worried that women can prove that they are as clever and as good at various things as men are.

  3. Thank you for comment. I think it is nor women solidarity, it is right thinking way. It will be interesting the opinion of men after 10 years. I sure it will be changed sharply because the world changed dramatically.

    I recommend our men to follow the aorta of life, for not being late once again.

  4. Dear men!

    Could you say something, please? :)

  5. Mmmmmmmmmmmm

    I understand .....

    The silence is sign of agreement.

    My congratulations to our women…

    We won as always.

  6. Life is more than a game or competition to lose or to win it... Life is a professional sport ;)
    I understand, that in our society it's going to be so hard to break stereotypes. But we even don't try, we just don't want to!!!
    In my opinion man's and woman's rights are the same, but their obligation is different!!! If you remember, during our debate Ann said "Man's obligation is to be a caring father and а loving husband"!!! Correct!!! What about their rights... dear men, read please our constitution =)!!!

  7. Dear Gayana I will answer by worlds of Shakespeare "The life is theatre and the people are actors, everyone play its role during the life". The conclusion the is "The life is Big Game".

  8. Girls, you are becoming philosophical! :) :) :)

    Where are the men?

  9. Men and women are not the same, they have different functions. But these functions are complementary and both must be equal for a perfect result.


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