Saturday, October 30, 2010


I have three topics that you can choose from for our next debate:

1. Anarchism: Is anarchism a valuable idea?
2. Arranged marriages: should arranged marriages be outlawed?
3. Balance in the media: should news broadcasters be required to be balanced and impartial in their reporting of events?  

Or if you want to talk about other cultures, then say so and also mention which culture you are going to talk about so that we don't have any repeated countries, please.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Capital punishment: is it ever justified to kill a criminal?

Hello everyone!

The topic caused a heated debate and again we are going to continue the debate here. :)

I agree that we don't have the right to decide who should live and who shouldn't and we discussed this. However, we didn't discuss alternative ways of dealing with criminals who committed a minor crime. Albert, please, don't offer to cut the hands of thieves or any other body parts. ;)

How about making a criminal meet his/her victim and have a conversation about what the criminal did and how the victim felt. Will that help?
Hi guys i read all your masseges these are very interesting thanks everybody.....
I want to say that academic qualification indefinatly is very important and veeeery necessary. If you want to have good job, earn good many you must have well education.Uneducated people can t live well sometimes is possible by accidently but not very often.I agree with Albert Learn, learn and again.........

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Armenian gang arrested in the US

I know that I said that we will be discussing our debate topics here, but there is something big in the news nowadays that really makes me depressed.

I would like to know what you think of the gang arrested in the US and accused of medical fraud.

For those who haven't heard of it, here's a link to the news story.

I would love to hear your opinions on this.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello and welcome to our blog!!!

I started this blog to let you continue discussions here as I know many of you have a lot more to say but you don't say it because of time restrictions.

The debate on 22 October was "Academic qualifications ensure success in life" and some of you still have a lot to add. So please feel free to continue the debate here, However, I would like you to remain as polite to one another as you are during the lessons. :)