Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello and welcome to our blog!!!

I started this blog to let you continue discussions here as I know many of you have a lot more to say but you don't say it because of time restrictions.

The debate on 22 October was "Academic qualifications ensure success in life" and some of you still have a lot to add. So please feel free to continue the debate here, However, I would like you to remain as polite to one another as you are during the lessons. :)


  1. Thanks Mrs. Ann for the invitation. :) As we talk about "Academic qualifications ensure success in life", I want to say that education is very important element in our life, and it ensures success in our career. Maybe there are some people who achieved a lot in their life, but in my opinion, people like them with higher education, in this case it's better to say "with diploma", would be able to have much more achivements.

  2. thank you Mrs Anna ,
    In my opinion the education is necessary for every persons life .in our Current society University Education Helps us to achieve success ,but we know success has different meaning for every person so this is one important way ...

  3. Hi Every body...
    And special thanks from Mrs.Anna to making a blog for our English course.
    As I said in the class about Academic qualifications help us to find easier job to work,and grow up faster in our life,
    everyone have a some ideas and targets it's depends on a person to improve his/her life.

  4. Hi ms Anna and my new friends!
    Nice to met you here.

    I would like to add something, which I didn’t say during the live debate.

    I completely agree that the academic qualifications ensure success in everybody life.

    The twenty first century is the century of knowledge, technological innovations and if you want to be successful in your life, it is logical, that first of all you need to have academic qualification. If you planed to do serious programs or you want to improve your job’s position you should every time repair your knowledge even if you have academic qualifications.

  5. Hello everyone!!! :)

    I am really glad to see you here. We are only missing David, Gayane and Karen it seems. :(

    Albert, would you like to say something more?

    I agree with all of you. However, I would like to quote The Sunday Times: "A book recently published in America is adding fuel to the fire: 300 Best Jobs Without a Four-Year Degree uses data from the US Department of Labour and the Census Bureau to show that many of America’s top-paying occupations — in, for example, law enforcement, construction, administration and transport — don’t demand candidates who have been to university.
    Its No 1 example is the job of air-traffic controller, which in the UK can command a salary of more than £80,000. In fact, it says, eight of the Top Ten fastest-growing occupations don’t require a degree."

    Well, if these well-paid jobs don't require a degree, then why do we need to have a degree only to get paid less? Is it only a matter of degree or are there any other qualities that make us invaluable in our workplace? :)

  6. Oh, could you add your photos to the blog, please?

    Otherwise it is only Bahamin and me with photos.

    Thank you! :)

  7. I guess, they were in the right time and the right place. :) At least not everybody can be as lucky as they were.

    P.S. I've already added my photo, but it doesn't show

  8. That's very true Tatev! I agree with you!

    I like your photo! :)

  9. Our topik is "Academic qualifications ensure success in life"..... but the article about job withot education, You can find job, but it's not mean you are successful person, even if they give you high I think a most of people can find job with education and withot, but education is neccecary thing, because you can be rich and with good job, but if You don't have education, if you can't speak, and you are dumb....nobody look seriously on You. Anyway education is possibility for succesful life, and even without it people can became succesful but I think verry less persons can be succesful withot it.
    As Lenin said...
    Learn, Learn and again Learn!!!!!!!!

  10. Hi all!
    I also would like to say thanks to Anna for creating this blog, because I believe it may help us.
    As for the topic, mainly I've already said what I think during the class, but I try to gather my thoughts and present it here.
    At first we should define, what we understand as success in life. It is very individual. One could be happy with no money in his pocket, another might be always angry, because his competitor could get a couple millions more then he. In order to abstract from any another conditions I will consider “success in life» as success in career.
    In this case, of course, academic qualifications mostly help people to get success in life. I believe statistics prove it. It happens for many reasons. First, many positions require high education and you can’t get it without a diploma. Second, during the student time you can get systematic knowledge for job which you have chosen. That is why, it’s very important to know where and why you go for study. Third, while studying you can also form your “adult” network, which also can help you in future life. Besides, the student life can also help to open your mind…

    As to the phrase mentioned by Anna, I think success in career can be measured not only by salary. It is also very important – if you like your job and what «status» it has. I mean, for example, a driver can get more money than a teacher, but teacher's «status» is probably higher in view of society.

    As for the people, who get huge achievements in their career, become rich without a degree, I think, they are just an exception to the rule. Because all of them are very strong, reasonable people who have «ideas» and can realize them.

  11. Karen and Albert, thank you for your contribution. Karen thank you for mentioning the factors that make us successful in life.

    I would like to say that for me, for example, success in life means earning enough money to enjoy life (more than that is not necessary I think, although many may disagree with me :)): this includes meeting your family's needs, going on holiday once or twice a year, going to concerts, having time for friends and family, being able to help others, doing something useful for society.
    I agree that those people who managed to reach this without a degree are individuals with ideas. They set a goal and work towards it. What doesn't let us do the same?
    Our education at university gives us theoretical knowledge but it doesn't equip us with practical knowledge. Practice comes with experience and sometimes we cannot get that experience because companies are looking for experienced employees. :(

  12. Our economic system is not developed, moreover I can say that our country has badly education system and worst burocratic traditions. We can’t use our academic knowledge after graduating. It is difficult to find job not only because we haven’t experience, but because we have country with high level of corruption, a lot of oligarchs. We can’t say that our country rules of lows.
    If you have academic knowledge you can find appropriate job easily, of course if you live in the democratic country.

  13. Thank you, Voskehat! What you said is very sad. :(

  14. Yes it is sad, but I hope everything will changed in the nearest future.

  15. Being optimistic is always good! :)

  16. Hi all!
    Nice to join you!!!!
    I feel horrible after reading the articles of debate!! The thing is, that there are so much new words, new negative words, and the process of translation was awful......I became a headache & I'm really depressed!! (((

  17. Welcome Gayane!

    You don't need to translate every single word. :)
    Just some that are essential. And also express your opinion. :)


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