Friday, January 21, 2011

The Kite Runner

  For many of you this was the first authentic book that you read in English. However, not all of us finished reading this great book, unfortunately.
  I would like you to read the book and post your opinions and thoughts about the book here. Also if there are any quotes that you particularly liked from the book, you are welcome to post them here,

Here are the questions that we discussed today and some that we didn't:

1. What did you learn about Afghanistan? What did you learn about friendship, forgiveness, redemption and love?

2. Who suffers the most in the Kite Runner?

3. Were you surprised to learn about the racial tension between the Pashtuns and Hazaras in Afghanistan? Can you think of any culture in the world without a history of oppression? Why do you think minority groups are oppressed so often?

4. What did you like about Baba? What did you dislike about him? How was he different in the US from what he was like in Afghanistan? Did he love Amir?

5. How did learning that Hassan is Baba's son change your understanding of Baba?

6. Why did Amir act so hatefully toward Hassan after he saw him raped? Why did Hassan still love Amir?

7. Did Amir ever redeem himself?

8. What do you think happened to Sohrab?

9. Rate the book on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest) and explain your answer.

I would appreciate your comments. :)

The Kite Runner Trailer:
The Kite Runner Soundtrack:

I love this song! This song was played in the film when Amir went to mosque for the first time in a long time.    

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year!!!

I would like to wish all of us a very Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010


As we decided to transfer all our debates to the blog, I will be posting a topic a week.

As we all decided, the topic this week is horoscopes.

Look what I have found. Read your sign horoscope for next year and tell us what you think. If you have other links to horoscopes to share, feel free to do so. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Equality for men and women

I think the topic that was actually offered by Nastaran was doomed to causing a lot of heated arguments between men and women in the group.
For me personally it was interesting to find out that although all the men think that the way women are treated in Armenia is wrong, they still don't want to change it because "we live in that kind of society" - they said. It shows that we are overly dependent on the opinion of the society or it is just a very convenient excuse for men to continue treating women as a kind inferior to them.
Some men said that as women have washing machines and other appliances which save time, they have more time to think about their rights;  the Bible was also cited as a proof of God's will in men-women relationship.
The girls argued that men created all the mess because it is very handy for them to do what they want without taking the woman into account.
It would be quite interesting to hear some more arguments from both sides.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Today's debate was slightly strange! The majority were not sure whether it is right to allow Euthanasia or not right at all. Having thought about it outside the classroom, we may have a different point of view.
So, who wants to start this time?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

World Government

Although the debate was about the World Government, we talked about other issues more than the topic of discussion itself.

The common opinion was that this will never be possible. I would like to ask you to list pros and cons of this, please.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Another Friday and another debate topic! Unfortunately, many people were absent and we would love to hear their opinion too. Gayane, Ani, Karen and David, please, have your say so that we can continue our discussion!

The conversation was quite interesting, I have to say! Three of us said that they believed in destiny while the others said that there is no such a thing. Destiny was linked to luck and God, clairvoyants and the paranormal were discussed.

Now, we can continue the discussion here!