Saturday, November 20, 2010

World Government

Although the debate was about the World Government, we talked about other issues more than the topic of discussion itself.

The common opinion was that this will never be possible. I would like to ask you to list pros and cons of this, please.


  1. As we said at the lesson it'll be possible to move from one country to another without visa. I think people will have more opportunities to see the world (the cost of the tickets for holiday will be cheaper), enter Universities without money problem. Maybe we'll have one currency, and same prices on goods and services. In this case the competitiveness of countries will depend on quality, quantity and marketing. It'll be great. But it's impossible thing (especially the situation to have one currency). One government will have to look after any country, even if each of them have their own administration. They won't be able to do it. I think, in this situation, developed countries will have influence on one world government and developing countries will suffer. It's the same thing, that is going in Armenia between our government and oligarchs. In this case just Armenia suffers...:) And in general, I think, nobody will want to be the head of one world government. It'll be too responsible work, that it's used to be.

  2. I think many people will actually want to be the President of the whole world! :)

  3. Firstly we should collect together positive and negative influences if One world Government idea becomes throw.
    One of the negative influences will be the losing national identification day by day. As we are one of the ancient nation in all over the world (more than 3000 year history), we have much more heritage, will be difficult to keep our cultural heritage.
    The positive influences -I think that the world Government will help to easier some of our problems existing in good governing sphere, because of which our nation suffered unfairly.
    We can continue numbering all effects of one world Government and account which are more.
    For me the world is beautiful with differences of nations, their culture, their thinking of way and so on… I prefer do not simples our life in that way. So it is my opinion. If I have new idea I will put it on blog for you.

  4. I appreciate your opinion, Voskehat! I really do! I am looking forward to hearing more. :)


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