Saturday, November 13, 2010


Another Friday and another debate topic! Unfortunately, many people were absent and we would love to hear their opinion too. Gayane, Ani, Karen and David, please, have your say so that we can continue our discussion!

The conversation was quite interesting, I have to say! Three of us said that they believed in destiny while the others said that there is no such a thing. Destiny was linked to luck and God, clairvoyants and the paranormal were discussed.

Now, we can continue the discussion here!


  1. This link shows that three of the historical persons are buried in one place :
    The first man on earth
    The first prophet
    The First Imam

    If this is correct, how this might happen is happening? if we still do not believe in destiny that we can not deny that the world order is set by God
    But if God's glory and will have
    to accept this we realized that the Lord about the fate of its poor human thinking.
    I hope what I say I clearly said

  2. Bahamin, wikipedia is written by public not by experts, first of all. Secondly, even if it is true, I don't see any proof of destiny existence to change my mind! :)

    Guys, is anyone going to say anything?

  3. Yes, definetly someone gona say something))) No destiny, we are owners of our destiny!

  4. @ Anna (written by public) True, but there are reliable sources mentioned that there has been extracted It was just a simple example that shows the burial place of God, even in humans is also thought

    In the words of the elders said the fate of :

    Please know and believe that the great God for every slave has a size that is destined for him, and strive to be involved in the provision of duty and destiny of every man who is the predetermination of God put on human rather barren rush meetings, and wise is he who is blessed with the effort for myself to prepare, though it can change the fate and good fortune to be set but the effort will be increasing its provision because the man of God for victory works created in a number of such Ghaflh back.

    So: If you have time you will increasingly try Lay down a lazy day at work thou, that provision and the fate of the two are distinct, as fate will not be changed, but the work and effort can be refreshing victory drank water and comfortable environment.

  5. Bahamin, I have read the article again and failed to find the last two paragraphs written by you. Why are you connecting the article on Wikipedia and the statements that you have written?

    I don't know where this is from but I have some objections.

    First of all, we were not created as slaves for the great God, as it says in the statements of the elderly. Actually
    I think that slavery was against the wish of God.

    Secondly, what does it mean: "...and strive to be involved in the provision of duty and destiny of every man who is the predetermination of God put on human..."? Does this mean that if someone was killed then his murderer was actually carrying out the God's will? Is that right?

  6. Sorry that I answer delay
    The final two paragraphs in Persian and I've translated with Google software
    That did not translate correctly and accurately
    Now if you have questions I am at your service

    Just wanted to add anything else
    That man is so poor than anywhere else the universe can not see common sense.
    For example, the five senses is only for humans
    Perhaps before you say that your issue is what to do with fate
    But I say to you that if the power of God to be aware of this issue we realized
    Nothing is hard for him to do whatever he

    @ the end of second paragraph were translate wrong Ghaflh = Convoy

  7. I think everyone made her or his destiny in their hands. If you don’t lucky, if you don’t think enough or correctly it doesn’t mean that in somewhere someone has been written your life saga and everything held according that saga.
    I born as a honest , kind, clever person, or I born as a simple person in servant’s family, I am not queen- It is my destiny. But if I become queen it will not be my destiny. It means that during my life I decided to become queen, for being queen I learned more, made appropriate steps for becoming queen.
    My parents give me ideal up bringing it is my destiny. I have creative ability – it is my destiny. If I developed my ability and I have success because developing my own ability and opportunity- it will not named destiny.

  8. I think if someone is creative it is a talent not destiny. In general, in my opinion, we are born with certain talents that later in life can be developed or abandoned, and it does not have anything to do with destiny. I agree that human beings are too small in this world, but we are still capable of making our own decisions and deciding what to do. We can choose to do a bad thing or a good thing in our life to other people and it is not going to change anything. What it will change is our understanding of who we really are by us ourselves and by other people. A lot of bad people have quite a good lifestyle and a lot of good people have a bad lifestyle, so this action-reaction thing does not really work as we would like it to work.

  9. I'm not a fanatics man
    It was my belief

    And i don't intend to
    Consider myself to someone I imposes

  10. We are only sharing opinions, Bahamin. :) It's not about right or wrong. We are only discussing, that's all! :)


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